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M. E. Panero received Honorable Mention for her first authored poster displayed at the International Society for the Study of Trauma 和 Dissociation (ISSTD) annual conference. The research presented looked at dissociation 和 cortisol response during the Stressful Event Speech (SES). 发布11/14/13.

凯利杜Remco BredewoldThomas Mayer (B.S. 12), Alexa Veenema 已经发表了 article 在杂志上 荷尔蒙和行为 大脑催产素系统的性别差异. Contrary to the prevailing view that oxytocin is more important for females than for males, they found that female rats (regardless of estrus phase) actually have much less oxytocin receptors than male rats in the majority of forebrain regions. They further showed that oxytocin receptor densities in amygdala subregions correlate with sex differences in social interest. These findings will help improve our underst和ing of sex-specific regulation of social behavior 和 possibly of sex-biases in social disorders. 发布10/15/13.

Gorica彼得罗维奇 has been selected for Fellow status in the Association for Psychological Sciences (APS). Fellow status is awarded to APS Members who have made sustained outst和ing contributions to the science of psychology. Gorica加入了我们系的APS电子游戏正规平台员伊丽莎白·基辛格, 詹姆斯·拉塞尔, 艾伦·温纳, 以及前教员迈克尔·努曼. 发布10/9/13.

莉莉Tsoi receives a 电子游戏正规平台生 Student Travel Award from the Society of Personality 和 Social 心理学 (SPSP), 还有500美元的旅行津贴. 在607份申请中,13%的人获得了奖励. 发布10/4/13.

凯利杜, doctoral c和idate in Alexa Veenema’s lab, received a highly competitive Ruth L. 克希斯坦国家电子游戏正规平台服务奖(NRSA). Kelly's research focuses on the neurobiological basis of sex-specific regulation of social behavior. This 2-year award allows her to employ a unique combination of techniques (including in vivo microdialysis 和 fMRI) to examine the role of oxytocin 和 its underlying neural circuits in mediating social interest in a rat model. 发布9/19/13.

Alexa Veenema received the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program award, which includes a substantial grant to support research over a five-year period 和 is given to promising young faculty members who exemplify the role of teacher-scholar through outst和ing research, excellent education 和 the integration of both education 和 research. Alexa's research aims to advance our underst和ing of the sex-specific neurobiological regulation of social behaviors in the juvenile period. 发布9/17/13.

藤本植物的年轻的 和 詹姆斯塔吉克族的 关于举报的电子游戏正规平台 是特色 在《电子游戏正规平台》上. 发布8/2/13.

电子游戏正规平台生 凯利Bennion 和 other members of the Kensinger laboratory publish two articles: "Oversimplification in the study of emotional memory" in the 国际神经心理学会杂志, "Sleep 和 cortisol interact to support memory consolidation" in 大脑皮层. 发布7/8/13.

助理教授 Gorica彼得罗维奇 曾获 2012年巴甫洛夫电子游戏正规平台奖. This award honors members (particularly younger members) of the Pavlovian Society for significant research accomplishments.

克里斯蒂娜Reppucci 和 Gorica彼得罗维奇 报告在他们即将发表的论文中 食欲, "Contextual fear cues inhibit eating in food-deprived male 和 female rats," that environmental cues associated with past aversive events can inhibit eating under conditions where rats would normally consume large amounts of food.

艾伦的赢家 和塔利亚·戈尔茨坦 出版了一本书 commissioned by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation 和 Development) on the impact of arts education on cognitive 和 social skills.

辛蒂·科尔,丹尼尔·鲍威尔Gorica彼得罗维奇 在杂志上发表过论文吗 学习 & 内存 被称为“Differential recruitment of distinct amygdalar nuclei across appetitive associative learning."

凯利Bennion, graduate student in 伊丽莎白·基辛格's lab, was recently awarded the 国防科学与工程电子游戏正规平台生奖学金 来自国防部.

劳拉年轻他是一名博士生,曾获a 电子游戏正规平台资助 来自国家艺术基金会.

海曼的基因 纸”,戒药:定量与定性特征,于2013年发表 临床心理学年度评论. It evaluates theories of addiction in light of recent epidemiological trends, 动物电子游戏正规平台, 以及改变美国毒品使用的历史事件.

哈莉·朱克, 伊丽莎白·肯辛格实验室的实验室经理, 获得了国家科学基金会的奖学金.

电子游戏正规平台生 詹姆斯塔吉克族 还有即将毕业的学生 莉莉Tsoi, 都在Liane Young的实验室里, have received 电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台 Fellowships from the National Science Foundation.

两位刚从我们的博士项目毕业的毕业生, 克里斯汀林奎斯特 和 伊丽莎Bliss-Moreau,被列为2013年3月的“新星” 观察者,在那里描述了他们的电子游戏正规平台. 两人的导师都是丽莎·费尔德曼·巴雷特和吉姆·罗素.

辛迪科尔, Gorica彼得罗维奇实验室的博士后, 最近在杂志俱乐部发表了评论, "Recruitment of Multiple Pathways to Ventral Tegmental Area during Cocaine-Seeking Behavior,发表于 神经科学杂志.

乔·波切利,雪莉·怀德,还有詹姆斯·拉塞尔 发表了 一篇文章 情感 on the influence of experimental context on how children 和 adults interpret the prototypical "disgust face." The "disgust face" is labeled as disgusted when it is preceded by a prototypical "angry face", but is labeled as angry when preceded by a facial expression conveying sickness.

雪莉扩大, research associate, 詹姆斯·拉塞尔 have a forthcoming article in 心理上的公告 名为“儿童对他人厌恶的识别”.“虽然孩子们对厌恶有一个详细的概念, the majority do not associate the st和ard disgust face with disgust until they are 9 years of age or older.

劳拉年轻, doctoral student, has a new paper with Sara Cordes 艾伦·温纳 called “Heightened Incidence of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents Involved in the Arts.这篇文章发表在杂志上 美学心理学、创造力和艺术 在这篇文章中很有特色 来自美国心理学会的新闻稿.

雪莉扩大, Ph.D. 2005, former student of 詹姆斯·拉塞尔 和 research associate in the 情感 Development Lab, has accepted an Associate 电子游戏正规平台 Scientist position in the Center for 情感al Intelligence in the Department of 心理学 at Yale University.

伊丽莎白·基辛格 has won the 电子游戏正规平台生 School of Arts 和 Sciences Faculty Teaching/Mentoring Award for her outst和ing graduate teaching 和 for her dedicated mentoring of doctoral students.

杰斯Karanian received the Most Outst和ing 电子游戏正规平台生 Poster Presentation at the NEURON Conference.

安吉丽娜Hawley-Dolan (艺术与思维实验室)和 布伦丹·穆雷 (Cognitive 和 Affective Neuroscience Lab) successfully defended their graudate dissertations in March 2013.

詹妮弗·德雷克, Ph.D. 2012, 艾伦·温纳的学生, accepts a tenure track 助理教授ship in the Department of 心理学 at Brooklyn College, 纽约城市大学.